Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day before Lent

So today I start my first blog in here, thanks to Weng... It's the day before lent and I am really trying hard to be strong this lent and stick with what I tend to sacrifice. I finally narrowed three things I want to give up and they are: Chocolate (Candy in general), Rice & Shopping. I believe all of them will be quite a challenge because for starters, I have a sweet tooth, second, I'm Filipino... Rice is like water (lol) & third, what's a girl to do if she can't SHOP!!! Yikes. The fasting begins and we will see how dedicated I will be. To add on, I also sacrifice "laziness," (lol) in other words, I have to stay productive, active and busy. I plan to start my training for the mud run simultaneously. It will be a great push!

This year, I feel really different about myself. I feel more control, focus and confident. I can honestly say that I think I can do this. Yes the choices I made doesn't sound extreme, but to give up things that are pretty second hand is going to be a challenge. I have yet to prove self control and follow through on my goals. I think this is the main goal for Lent. I will keep you posted on how I am doing. I only hope for support and encouragement.

Okay... in other news, I finally spoke to my bff again. Its been awhile since I had a conversation with her. I'm glad she is doing good and is focused as ever. I'm extremely proud of her. I cannot wait to visit her at April/May. Something I look forward to.

I'm going to keep my first blog simple, although it doesn't mean there aren't anything bothering me in my life, nor in my head. But I do know, there are some things that are worth being stressed out about and some that aren't even worth even worrying about...

In case you don't know, I decided to have a book list from now on.. and I am starting to read the classics. I think it's important to read those books that have made history or help influences a reader's mind. I can learn a thing or two. But just a quick update, I am currently reading "The Cather in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger and so far its entertaining. I will post an update on it.