Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Quote of the Day...

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"

- Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Dreamy Dream :)

Mood: Giddy

So this morning I woke up with a big smile laughing... I think I had the best dream in such a long time. I know its kind of funny and all but my dream was all about RP(Bobby) and SB(Sammy). It was amazing. Okay people, don't get carried away, nothing raunchy happened okay, it was just pure fun and comedy.

Okay, how do I start even describing my dream. I can't really pinpoint a location but I remember walking in a neighborhood where there was a big building - kind of like a Church-like building but not. I was on the front staircase and there was a lot of people crowding around. At first I saw James Lafferty from OTH. He was with a couple people and just talking. To me, everyone was just normal people so no fuss or anything. So anyway, I was just wandering around and looking at all the fuss why there was people everywhere. To be honest, I still have no idea why but there was all of a sudden a wedding that was going on, so I figured, maybe that was it. But I doubt it.

So in my dream, it changed location and I ended up in this somewhat open room and people were dancing and partying, but nothing to rowdy. I know talking about my dream seems so short but it was actually longer than it sounds. So I was walking around and I noticed two guys which blew my mind. It was Bobby and Sammy. I was utterly shocked but the same time I felt like I knew them (in my dream of course). So I went up to them casually and said hi to them and hugged them. They were drinking, socializing and dancing a bit. Sammy was sweet as ever. Always having that adorable smile of his and Bobby had the sexy seductive look as always - it always melts your heart... It's to die for. LOL ok ok enough about that..

So when I went to approach them, we started talking about everything... music, what's new, everything that came in mind. It was sooo amazing, it was like they were one of my friends and I wasn't all googalie crazy, which I know I'd be if I ever meet them in reality hahahah. (I feel somewhat dorky just writing about it, but I really don't want to forget the moments lol) So I was holding myself back as always, just conversing with Bobby and Sammy throughout the night. Sammy was more friendlier and socializing with me more than Bobby so I was enjoying his company. He was such a sweetheart, I don't think I can overreact on that because he was :)

Well, the place was packed and everyone was partying so we hit the dance floor and started busting out our moves. I have to admit, I got a little freaky with the both of them, but I don't regret doing it. LOL it was a fun moment. But for some strange reason, I can clearly remember Sammy's momenta more than Bobby's, I don't know, maybe its selective memory at this point. I spent more time dancing with Sammy and conversing more and more throughout the night. It felt like we were at the party scene for a long time, so suddenly, the environment changed and we were outside in a more quiet environment. Sammy & I were just flirting with each other throughout the time and I got to talk to Bobby more later on the night. We were being very humorous with each other but even in my dream, Bobby was as famous as he is in reality. Weird. Lol.

Okay so next scene gets a little bit too cozy, we suddenly were all in a room on a huge bed ready about to call it a night. There was actually four of us in this huge bed but I can't remember the fourth person. Don't worry, nothing freaky happened people, it was all innocent but I think I got some cuddling moments with Sammy (lol blushing), and the weird part is, it suddenly changed to Bobby. You know how dreams go, it changes in a split second, but hey I am not complaining. I can't really remember much because it happened so quick but I remember still laughing and conversing on the bed. Bobby was a bit irritated because I think Sammy & I were being a bit loud, lol, but we just kept laughing. I remember closing my eyes and sleeping but I awoken suddenly and we were in church like building all of a sudden.

Bobby was being kind of serious. We walked in the room filled with students and a speaker. There was like a church service going on or some sort of class. I wasn't quite sure what the lecture was about but it seemed interesting. Bobby was all into it. Sammy was outside the building, so I decided to hang out with him for a bit. As soon as I ran out of the doors, I spotted him and ran to him with so much excitement. I actually jumped on him. LOL. I told him to promise to take a picture with me and he said of course. :) He was the sweetest. He was so nice and charming throughout the whole time we were talking. I couldn't stop blushing when I was around him. He said "whatever you want Czar." I love those words, well coming from him.

So when we were talking, ironically two friends from high school walked out the building and started to talk to us. Lets call her Moe. She told me she heard a rumor going around that I was pregnant. I was a bit shock but I endured it. I calmly responded back to her and we continued our conversation. She and her friend were waiting for their ride and strangely it was my brother who picked them up. I found that really disturbing, well only because they don't know each other in real life so it was weird.
Anyway, my dream didn't last long after this scene. Sammy & I went back in to meet up with Bobby and we stayed in the building listening to the lecture for the rest of my dream. We were participating with the lecture, answering and talking to everybody but all I can remember was fooling around with Bobby and Sammy then... alarm clock went off...

My dream actually more exciting that it sounds. Writing about it will just help me remember the moments but at this point I don't' think I can forget it in my head... Well, not anytime soon ;)

The Hardest Part is Over.

Mood: Relieved
Listening: "Too Far Gone" by Sam Bradley
Watching: "Dominck Dunes"
Where: Room

So as most of "my" readers here know what's been going on with me lately... Its been such a roller coaster ride with me now a day especially with all the symptoms I've been having. Its been taking a toll on me but I've manage to accept how I should and will be feeling for the next couple months.

I know I've been quite secretive about my personal issues, I mean why blog about it if I don't even state the facts? But no, it feels good to be able to write about my feelings on it even though I don't clearly state my conditions.

So what's the hardest part about it all? Well besides accepting my fate and my future, right now, the hardest part was breaking the news to those who matter the most to me. Besides my family being the only opinions that really matter to me, I found it hard telling my best friend Ted. Sigh. It was so hard. But! I did it and I feel relief but I know he is disappointed the same time. I really don't know how to feel about his reaction but I know give it a few days, things will be normal like nothing new ever happen. I really can't blame him for how he reacted or anyone in that matter. But there's one thing I know and that's having GREAT family and friends around. I'm so blessed to be surrounded by warm hearted people and very supportive in that matter.

Despite the situation I'm in, I know I will have people that will support me and that will be there for me no matter what and until the end of this. I'm just glad almost everyone that is important to me knows my situation, well almost everyone. I still have a few more people to inform but I know the hardest ones are over. I'm glad.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Too Funny! I Just Had To!

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My Successful Rice Dish Gathering & Horror Movie Night

So it's pretty late and I just finished cleaning up the kitchen and storing all the food we ate tonight. I had a great time and enjoyed eating rice again. Lent is officially over and no more limits!!! I enjoyed every bite I had and not to mention the cookies I baked!!! I made sure it had extra chocolate chip cookies in it :) Plus my friends loved it as well. Its been awhile since I cooked for my friends due to the limitations of dishes I can cook but tonight I went all out and have lots of left overs, but I am not complaining.

So what consists of my yummy dinner tonight? I figured soupie rice dishes and of course the infamous beef pattie dish ALL my friends seem to LOVE. So I started cooking 3 o'clock sharp and ended roughly around almost 6-ish, actually even before 6. So my first dish was Pork Adobo. I whipped it up pretty fast and was a bit amazed how fast it was, lol, frankly I was too. Second dish was Chicken Curry. Oh how I've been craving for curry forever. lol. Siigh. I mean you can't eat curry w/o rice. While I was cooking it, my friend was already hungry. I figured we start cooking the rice because we had to make two batches, thanks to my small rice cooker. And lastly, I cooked of course my beef pattie dish. I prepped it pretty quick and simultaneously we were cleaning up, so we were ready to set the table. BUT of course, we can't have a main course without desert, and that's were my infamous fresh baked extra chocolate cookies come in. I made sure I treat my guests with extra sweet treats!!! They all deserved it, uhm me included! :)

It was a team effort and the night went great. Our horror movie list consist of "1408," "The Exorcist of Emily Rose," and "Amityville Horror," but we didn't get to watch the last movie. I guess we have to save that for later. :) I think two movies was good enough, plus "The Exorcist of Emily Rose" was pretty freaky, so I think everyone was pretty shaken up. I don't blame them. lol

Well, I'm beat, I'm FULL, thanks to the rice and desert. So I better get some rest so I can enjoy what's left of Easter Sunday. I want to wish everyone a wonderful and safe Happy Easter!!! I had a great Pre-Easter day, thank you friends. :) I love you guys!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Lent Coming to an End...

Today is Good Friday and I am at work. I really wanted to pass by church today but I really don't think I will have time. I will do my best to go tomorrow, I just hope I wont have any chaotic plans during the time of mass. This lent was a pretty success despite my lack of church attendance. :( I'm so sorry about that. I really feel terrible, but sleeping seems like the only think I can do now a day. But personally, I am so glad the 40 days/nights is coming to an end because I don't think I can stand another week without eating rice nor rice dishes. It's definitely torture. Sacrificing is hard especially if its something that is so natural to you. Don't you agree? I cannot believe I managed to stay away from rice for almost 50 days, it's insane. I'm not too worried about chocolate since I shouldn't be eating it right now anyway. I should really stay away from sweets even though sometimes I extremely crave for it. But I don't know, lately chocolate hasn't been too much of a torture which is surprising for me considering the fact that I have a sweet tooth. I'm proud of myself about that. :) Its a bigger deal then it sounds people. I can eat a whole pound of chocolate!!! LOL not that I ever did.

Anyway, I'm glad I stayed as strong as I did. Next year, I wonder what I'll do, but based on this, I'm sure sky is the limits :)
Happy Good Friday everyone and Have a wonderful Easter Weekend!!! Be safe.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sam Bradley is "going" to be in the HOUSE!

So Sam Bradley posted on his myspace just recent his new Tour Dates, and guess what??? He will definitely be jamming in LA!!! Yay!!! not once show but three shows!!! How awesome is that? Ok, I know you may not know him at all but he's definitely a musician you want to keep your eyes on. A Rising star is the best way to describe him. His lyrics rock and so far his performance are a success. I really can't wait to watch him perform. If interested, check out his myspace at http://www.myspace.com/sambradley06.

His LA Tour dates are the following:
May 25 2009
Hotel Cafe + 21
Los Angels, California
May 26 2009
Hotel Cafe + 21
Los Angeles, California
Jun 5 2009
Whisky a Go Go - All ages show
Los Angeles, California

I really want to catch all three but for now, my eyes are targeting for his 26th performance :) I have to add, isn't he's adorable ?! lol...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Back To My Music Roots

So last night was day 1 for guitar lessons again and man oh man, what can I say it was hard! I know I haven't been practicing lately but lessons are definitely intense. I need to extremely practice this week and not to mention, we have a lot of homework. I really want to do good and learn more knowledge but I have to push myself. It is amazing how intense lessons will be. To be honest, I am a bit intimidated. My class is two times bigger than beginners class and there are people who are definitely bringing their game on, meaning, I need to step up.

I guess I'm just scared to be left behind or just don't simply can't get it. My fingers are still not stretching enough to get where I want to be. I always say my fingers are small and to be honest, I still do but I hope the finger stretching exercises does improve my performance. I can't give up, I won't. So wish me luck and stay tune...
In other news, I had an awesome dinner with my girlfriends tonight. It was really sweet. I cooked macaroni soup, Tiff ordered pizza, Ethel brought guacamole and chips (yummy) and Sheila brought KFC finger food and drinks... All so yummy. I was full! I don't think I've eaten that much and good in a long long time. lol But overall, we had a great conversation and our dinner was a success as always. What can I say, my girl friends are amazing! :) Thank you girls, I love you!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sluggish Weekend

So I started my weekend pretty unproductive but honestly speaking, with my conditions it was the best thing to do... and that was SLEEP. I tried my best to push myself to go out and I had to. The good thing about this weekend was that I got to watch two movies I really wanted to watch. Saturday night, me & my friend Cyndy went to watch "Adventureland." I actually really liked it. I'm a fan of the whole 80's genre. It was a cute & humorous movie. The movie had comedy, drama, a love story, and was definitely corny in so many was, but good corny. :) If you are digging the 80's definitely check it out. It brought me back to my childhood years.

The coolest thing about Saturday night was that I got to see an old friend from VA. Finally! I passed by my friend Mark's house for a little bbq & even some rock band session. I was a bit tired because I'm quite use to staying up so late now a day but I was a trooper and even stayed up until about 4 am watching a movie on tv w/ my friend. It was a busy Saturday night.

I was able to rest up again on Sunday but I was again invited to go and watch a movie. I finally got to watch "Haunting in Connecticut." It wasn't as horrific as I thought but it was a good movie. I think my friends like watching horror movies with me because I am so calm when it comes to them. What can I say, i think I covered horror movies pretty well. I mean come on, besides sappy romance movies, horror movies are my favorite.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm having a Niece

So I just got the text from my older sister... Looks like she is having a baby girl. :) Baby Kristen it is! I knew it!!! What can I say, I think I just have the feeling. But I'm happy for my sister. She's going to be a great mother. Although, even though she craved for a little boy, I think she'll have a great time dressing up her little girl. Can't wait to meet her. August 27 is the day, so that will be a great day for all of us.

I know I know, it seems like a far way from now but can you believe its already April. That's pretty crazy. I really hope this will be a great month. Lent is almost over... so you know what that means, Rice & Chocolate here I come. Lol I can't believe I managed to avoid eating rice and chocolate for this long... like I mention before you guys rice & chocolate is like water to me, hehehe. It's totally second nature. So April 11 is day one for no more limits, not to mention, my daddy's birthday. :)

Well, what I'm also looking forward to is watching Bobby Long's show at Hotel Cafe, it's going to be a great show. But its too early for that right now... let's focus one day at a time right. lol Hopefully I get to add more shows to watch in the near near future... let's hope so!

Can't Wait...

So it's been over a month I think from my last guitar class & I must say, I am missing it so much. I try and push myself so hard to learn more but w/o any guidance, it's a bit challenging to know you if you are doing it right or not. lol But I don't have to wait no longer... :) Next week Tuesday will be my first guitar session again w/ my last instructor... you know what that means, I need to practice and sharpen up my chords and finger transition. Well, not that I haven't been but its been hard lately, especially considering the circumstances w/ my condition... but I won't let that stop me from being able to play the guitar well...

I think all I need is passion. I'm sure if passion is involve, I really can't go wrong. I've been watching bands and trying to find more bands to watch... They are very inspiring, they make you want to learn. Even though I'm 25 and a bit late to learn, i believe its never too late to learn right? After guitar, I really want to learn how to play the piano... I have a whole life time to learn but my crave for it is getting stronger by the days...

Stay tuned...