Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy One Month Bubba...

Today my son officially turns one month and this is a huge deal. I mean, I cannot believe how quick the time flew by. Soon my son will be crawling, walking and talking... Oh boy, I better cherish these moments as much as I can. So for Nathan's first month agenda included a doctors appointment and surprisingly a lot of sleep for the both of us. I don't want to jinks it but I'm glad he is sleeping longer now a day. Its great for me. :)

So he got his second shot and I was heartbroken just watching him get it, although, he was great. He cried for a second and then he was back to normal, like nothing happened, just like his mommy. I too got a shot, my H1N1 shot and I'm actually really glad I did. I've been meaning to get it, but I still need to get my flu shot, for my son's sake, a highly recommendation from the doc. I really hope my shot has no side effects because I need all the energy I can get. I am feeling a little bit more fatigue then usual but I just need to stay positive and keep healthy as much as possible.

Well, keep on a look out for my son's One Month Baby Pics... it is coming your way. I have so much picture projects to do in such a short time. So as soon as I complete it, check out my gallery.

Good night world.

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